Raining on Lewes’ English drought
Just in case any of you were worrying that my home town of Lewes was about to turn into the Arizona Desert after all that talk about the great English drought, here is a more typically English look when yesterday…
Just in case any of you were worrying that my home town of Lewes was about to turn into the Arizona Desert after all that talk about the great English drought, here is a more typically English look when yesterday…
Writing yesterday about T.S. Eliot’s great poem The Waste Land and how it was, at least partly inspired by the English drought of 1921, I look out on my small Lewes garden and hope that it won’t too turn into…
Drought UK 2012 Here in the Southern part of England, we are now officially in drought after an extraordinarily dry winter. Water reserves are low and as from midnight tonight, we will be banned from using our garden hose pipes.…