Kungfu in an Italian garden
This was my Santa Margherita Ligure home for two weeks on my recent Italian Riviera holiday – I shall miss it. All thanks to my landlord Attilio De Pascalis who showed me round the town in so much detail on…
This was my Santa Margherita Ligure home for two weeks on my recent Italian Riviera holiday – I shall miss it. All thanks to my landlord Attilio De Pascalis who showed me round the town in so much detail on…
It is time to round up these blogs about my holiday on the Italian Riviera (see last week’s posts) but I can’t leave without giving you a small taste of the food even though I am no expert in these…
I have been on holiday on the Italian Riviera and, all week, I have been trying to share some of my experiences in these blogs. Mostly, as I confessed, I planned to have a lazy relaxing time lying on the…
I’ve been writing about my recent holiday on the Italian Riviera this week in these blogs so if you have been following them you will know that I ‘ve just spent a fortnight in the small seaside town of Santa…
I have just returned from my Italian holidays staying in the small Italian Riviera town of Santa Margherita Ligure that sits happily on the Mediterranean sea shore along the coast from Genoa, Italy’s largest harbour and just next door to…
Christopher Columbus, Liguria’s most famous son, points West to the land that he stumbled upon and that we know as the United States Of America. He is standing on a plinth on the seafront at Santa Margaretha Ligure down the…
Awaiting my flight to Italy from London Gatwick. Genoa airport. On the beach at Santa Margaretha Ligure. Walking to Paraggi. Mediterranean blues and greens. Liguria is gentle with flowers. Cobbled streets of Portofino. Portofino lunchtime. Designer shops in Portofino. Portofino.…