

Drugs And Booze

I was awake most of last night with toothache. Ouch. So I thought what drug should I take to stop the pain. Well, the choice was a rich one! When I left hospital in November, I carried away with me…

Music On The Brain

I have always been deeply interested in music – classical, rock, pop and more recently jazz and various types of Asian, African and South American styles. I have always needed a daily fix of some sort of music whether it…

That Brain Scan

I had the MRI brain scan yesterday and survived the experience. It was my second one – the first occurred quite soon after my brain haemorrhage so I was a bit confused about the details to say the least. This…

Facing up to the great unknown

I am off to hospital this morning to have my second MRI brain scan – just the way to bring in the New Year. It has been scheduled two months after my brain haemorrhage and, hopefully, it will show that…

Happy New Year – Everyone

I know it is only numbers – the first day of the first month in the new year, 2009 – but that is how we organise things on this planet and we might as well go with it. So Happy…

Coming Out Of Hospital

2008 has ended as quite a tough time for me – I came out of hospital on the 15th. November after 17 days in quite a serious state. The doctors, nurses and all the medical and auxiliary teams were outstandingly…