100 years in The Waste Land

T.S. Eliot’s masterpiece is 100 years old this year and I am preparing to read the complete poem online in the virtual world known as Secondlife to mark the centenary of its publication. Yes, virtual worlds really do support writers…

Schoenberg in Lewes

I live just up the street from the Lewes Chamber Music Festival, now in its 12th year, and I’m just back from the final concert of this year’s truly inspiring festival. The theme was Schoenberg and friends, and the festival…

Greek Tragedy in Manhattan

Donald Trump found guilty on all charges in hush money case. He is guilty of so much more. A Greek tragedy in British English – Noun (ɡriːk ˈtrædʒədɪ  ) (in ancient Greek theatre) a play in which the protagonist, usually a person of importance and outstandingpersonal qualities,…

Baudelaire Day at Wolfie’s Poetry Surf

Last Thursday (16th May 2024), I finished a three-year marathon, reading the whole of Charles Baudelaire’s Les Fleurs du Mal (155 poems in English and in French) at my weekly on-line poetry event called Wolfie’s Poetry Surf which will have…