After that sacrifice, sunshine.

Well, I sacrificed the bullock and did some pagan rituals with my neighbours, so I am hoping that Sun God Apollo will do his part of the bargain here in southern England. I did some research into naked orgies and Apollonian sacrifical rites and I think we got it more or less right. If it was slightly inaccurate then at least it was fun.

The meat tasted nice too with more than enough to go round.

 So I hope the weather will imrpove now here in my small Lewes garden. I hope this doesn’t sound too selfish but, you have to understand that we have had terrible weather for August in these parts.

So far, so good. The sun rose in its full slpendour this morning whilst I was doing my taichi practice beginning with the appropriately named move, The Salute To The Sun.  My garden is already thanks, Apollo. I am ignoring those distant black clouds and the more than breezy wind because I am an optimist and that sun god is supposed to stick to his side of the deal. Besides, my passion flowers have opened their petals and the bees are a-buzzing.

My golden rose, Celebration is back with its second burst of blooms……. is the splendidly plummaged and richly perfumed, Falstaff….

My roses are back but, at this time of year, they have to fight for their position in the sun with my abundant crop of clematis plants which have created their own star-studded hedgerow….

My tiny vegetable section has been pleading for sunshine after weeks of clouds and, even worse, the coldest Spring for decades. 

 Those rows of pots contain my various chilli pepper plants grown from seed and only now coming into flower.

My tomatoes, also grown from seed,  are slow as well this year……..

but, if Apollo, keeps his promise, I am hopeful, just, that there will be a good September crop…. go with my lettuces…….

and plentiful runner beans.

So let’s have some heat Apollo, this is still summer you know.

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