Here are 40 more photographs – my final selection of pictures that I took over the last three years – if you missed the others look back over each August weekend. Let me know what you thought.
Also my poem, Wrestling Angels, is the poem for today on the poetry site Every Day Poets @ – have a read and if you want to, vote.
And now, Sunday, two of my new fibonacci poems are published in the Fib Review
Piazza della Signoria, Florence
Matt and Daniel
Thomas Paine Festival, Lewes 2009
Coffee in the lounge, Bailiff’s Court Hotel, West Sussex
Cool dude, Lewes
Villa Bellini, Catania, Sicily
Santorini, Greece
Molluscan Suicide Bid
Henry at the Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond
Lewes Police Station
New Jersey night
Greek Beach 2
Morris Men 1
Morris Men 2
Kungfu – Dog Style, Fuzhou, China
Florence Cathedral
Marching Soldier
Douglas Pines
Final Embrace
Chicago Dodgers with dead hornet
Adam Plays Guitar
Mundane Appreciation Society
New Hope, Pennsylvania
Chinese children, Fujian Province, China
Florence Cathedral before the rain came down
Venice backwater
Three Shades of Alpaca
Spring Garden, Lewes
Fancy Dress Party
Sicilian Cloisters, Monreale Cathedral
Window Shopping, Palermo
Backstreets of Palermo