Cheryl Cole
I’m not usually excited by the faux-glamour of celebrity that bombards Western culture on an hourly basis. I try to avoid it and have been known to look blankly at anyone who tells me about Cheryl Cole’s latest boyfriend.
Tre Holloway
I’m sure dancer Tre Holloway is a lucky guy going out with the photogenic singer who describes their relationship, movingly for some, surprizingly for others, as “genuine love.” Any why not? Good luck to them – whoever they are.
I’m not that interested in celebrity photo opportunities but this female “photobomber” is a genuine star. I hadn’t been aware of this growing anti-celebrity phenomenon until now but I’m loving it already.
Poor Cheryl and Tre – they’re so upstaged by this brilliant bomber that they might even try to keep their genuine love to themselves in future. Let’s hope so.
My novel, Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love, was published on 31 October 2013. It is the story of a young fogey living in Brighton in 1967 who has a lot to learn when the flowering hippie counter culture changes him and the world around him.
It is now available as a paperback or on Kindle (go to your region’s Amazon site for Kindle orders)
You can order the book from the publishers, Ward Wood Publishing:
…or from Book Depository:
…or from Amazon:
My second novel, Blue Notes, Still Frames, will be published in 2015 by Ward Wood Publishing. It begins with Joe Edevane, a Brighton street busker with surprizing powers who borrows a towel from well-heeled strangers, Alan and Rachel, for his Goth girlfriend, Victoria, and begins a chain of events that changes all of their lives.
Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love
Ward Wood Publishing
October 30, 2013
Genius Floored: Uncurtained Window
Soaring Penguin Press
June 15, 2013
Poetry anthology
Genius Floored: Whispers in Smoke
Soaring Penguin Press
June 6, 2014
Poetry anthology
Reaching Out
Cinnamon Press
December 2012
Poetry and short story anthology
Tic Toc
A Kind Of A Hurricane Press
June 2014
Poetry anthology
In The Night Count The Stars
Bittersweet Editions
March 1, 2014
An “uncommon anthology” of images, fragments, stories and poetry.
The Blotter
The Blotter Magazine Inc.
November 2009
Three pages of poetry in the American South’s unique, free, international literature and arts magazine.
The Fib Review
Musepie Press
My Fibonacci poetry has appeared in this journal from 2009 until the present
Shot Glass Journal
Muse Pie Press
My poetry has appeared in various issues of this short form poetry journal
Every Day Poets Magazine
Every Day Poets
I have various poems of the day published in this 365 days a year poetry magazine.