Just in case any of my readers thought I was exaggerating the other day about my early morning martial arts practice being taken over by the very friendly new cat on the block. Here is photograpic evidence from this morning’s session.
It was lovely first thing with rosy clouds and hints of blue skies over the Sussex Downs, as seen from my window here in Lewes, England.
I went out into my small courtyard garden for an hour of taichi and kungfu practice, concentrating at the moment, whilst the temperatures are still kind enough, on barefoot stance practice. Without shoes, you can feel exactly what your feet are doing and this is important if I am ever going to get better at the correct placing of the feet in every move.
I was doing fine until my new friend arrived……
…but she is one of those beasts that just has to join in…….
….and soon, I was struggling to keep my stance whilst this purring intruder wrapped itself round my legs….
… this is what it looked like….
…and forwards…….
…even though I kept moving…..
…I wonder if the Chinese practise this way……
I managed to keep going but, luckily, she gave up when I started my kungfu patterns, very wise I thought.
Do all females find your bare legs and feet this attractive?
I suspect not, Malcolm, more of a cat thing I think.