Those men with strimmers that I spotted a couple of days ago did return to manage the vegetation on Brack Mound, the principal view from my study window here in Lewes in the UK. It had not been cut since February 2009 and it was in danger of turning into a forest up there.
They cut dashing figures silhouetted up there against the overcast November sky…
… but the bad weather didn’t put them off even though it is hard work cutting through the undergrowth on such a steep incline.
Soon they had got down to the area just above my garden so I had a grandstand view of the proceedings….
…as did the local trouble-maker a long-haired and bed-tempered tom cat who believes fervently that this place belongs to him.
The men soon became a regular feature and the work of cutting everything down to ground level proceeded through the rain, wind and darkening skies….
…with the man active with the strimmer harnessed to his mate at the top of the hill.
Cutting it now is better than waiting until February because the plants will have longer to grow back to a moderate size in time for Spring.
A job well done lads, see you next year, I hope.