Meals were all alfresco here in Lewes, UK, over the Easter holidays as the temperatures stuck in the high 20s Celsius/70s Fahrenheit and the sun shone in cloudlesssly blue skies. My small courtyard garden behaved admirably for a series of lunch, tea and dinner parties.
Even sporting the first, and unseasonally early, rose of the year.
We were enjoying unprecedentedly hot April weather whilst much of Europe was enduring spring rain.
I had given up hope on the passionflower which is supposed to be half-hardy especially as we have had the harshest winter for a century but, on cue at Passiontime, those seemingly dead branches, started to sport new growth. Everything in the garden survived the winter.
With the hot weather maybe we didn’t need the Spring tea cozy, unveiled especially for the occasion and, possibly the hot cross buns could have been served up cold.
Everything tastes better out of doors so no one was complaining,
and Mrs. baxter’s new tea cozy was designed especially to coordinate with our bluebells and periwinkles.
and the partying carried on long after the candles had burnt down low. Well done, small garden.
Good on your passionflower. I've got mint coming back with a vengeance, but the passionflower is resolutely dead; even the roots are dried out.
Never mind, room for something else so I've just bought two half standard bay trees. Even better, a blackbird has adopted my balcony.
Say hello to the blackbird from me…..and good luck with those bay trees. I was almost ready to dig my passionflower up and I was quite excited about the thought of planting something new.