Hey, we really are having Summer this year here in the UK.

The great English heatwave continues and my small garden in Lewes, UK, is positively fizzling in the sunshine – this morning those flagstones were actually hot under foot when I was doing my kung-fu patterns. It was like it all weekend too. When we get the right summer weather, the English summer is more or less perfect.
The only place to be was beside the sea so I headed off to the seaside at Worthing in West Sussex to find some breeze from the sea and to sink into seaside contemplations with some members of my family. 

There is nothing like a lazy afternoon on the beach on a weekend afternoon with a little help from my garden umbrella, some armchairs and afternoon tea.

Time truly does stand still at times like this. Long may the English summer continue – I’d almost forgotten how wonderful it can be in this country in July.

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