Hummingbirds are special little creatures but this albino bird is extra special

Maybe I am easily amazed but when visiting the United States this summer I was truly that, yes, amazed
by my first sighting of a humming bird. I had seen them on television, of course, but I had no idea that they were so tiny. Where I was staying, there was a hummingbird feeder on the porch and I didn’t settle until one of these charming little birds fed from it. So much energy, even desperation, goes into their feeding that they would be, if they didn’t look so cute, a neurotic-making companion in the garden. I was thrilled by them.

This picture though is special – I certainly never say this little albino hummingbird, photographed in the  part of the States where I was staying. I would have thought the red rose was staged, if i hadn’t seen for myself the attraction red has for hummingbirds. I wish we had them in the UK.

One comment

  1. You are lucky.This bird is a rare sighting.Hummingbirds have no sense of smell but are attracted to the color red. Nonetheless, the red rose with the albino hummingbird does make for a striking photo.

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