iT feels a bit liKe ChiStmas today as my new iPhone5 has just ariVed. i hope i can sort iT out wiThout any problems.
i can get iT out of iTs box OK.
i can admiRe iTs beauty….
..and i can enjoy compaRiNg iT to my old iPhone4 and see how iTs thiNner but wiTh a biGger screen.
iT is defiNiTely a thinG of beauty – look.
EverthiNg is sorted except i can’t make calls on iT – not yet anyway. UntiL then i just have to play annoyiNg games wiTh my upper and lower case i’s. i know iT’s sad but, hey, humour me, OK.
As i waiT for Vodaphone (that’s another story) to connect my account, i have tiMe to appreciate Apple iNc’s briLliance but also to wiSh that they’d not tarnish theiR name by cheating the UK out of tax -iT iS unworthy and you don’t need the money – we do.