Man’s Best Friend – The Wolf

This photo, by the excellent photographer Johanna Siegmann, shows us how we first got together with our pet dogs’ ancestors, those wolves who decided to be friendly for some reason. Maybe ancient man reared some abandoned cubs and they bonded. It is still possible to be friends with wolves luckily. Like this man and his pet – they are not good in apartment blocks though. If you want to have a pet wolf it is better if you go and live in the wild. Now there’s an idea.

It was great to find out after this blog was posted that the wold is called Ayasha and that the guy is Shea who wrote to fill in the details. He obviously has a warm relationship with Ayasha, I’m jealous, and he tells me he is a member of an organization that protects wolves called Wolf Connection – look up their website at

Here is Shea’s message in case you missed it below:

“Awesome!!! Thats actually a member of the Wolf Connection pack Ayasha and me! This photo is definitely not photoshopped, actually, Ayasha(which means “Little One” in Cheyenne) is a mixture of Grey Wolf(naturally a bit small), Coyote, and possibly a bit of husky. She escaped euthanasia in Auburn, CA because the animal control guy fell in love with her and contacted our organization to adopt her into our pack. She is one hell of a character and will howl straight into peoples faces when she is happy to see them”. 


  1. A nice pic, but somehow it gives me the feeling it has been photoshopped. The man is much too big in comparison to the wolf.

    But it does bring the idyl across 🙂

  2. Awesome!!! Thats actually a member of the Wolf Connection pack Ayasha and me! This photo is definitely not photoshopped, actually, Ayasha(which means "Little One" in Cheyenne) is a mixture of Grey Wolf(naturally a bit small), Coyote, and possibly a bit of husky. She escaped euthanasia in Auburn, CA because the animal control guy fell in love with her and contacted our organization to adopt her into our pack. She is one hell of a character and will howl straight into peoples faces when she is happy to see them.

    The photographer who took this picture is Johanna Siegmann(Pro)!!!!
    For more information on the rest of our pack please visit

  3. Hi Colin,
    Yes, I took that image, and as I am a professional photographer, would appreciate receiving credit for it. You can link it to my site:

    Wolf Connection is a fabulous organization not only dedicated to rescuing and rehabilitating abused and/or abandoned wolves and wolf dogs, but also offer a program for at-risk youth.

    This image was a candid shot of Shea and Ayasha during one of their monthly community wolf hikes.

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