Martial arts

I belong to a White Crane Kung Fu club here in my home town where I practise both the soft and hard forms. For ease of understanding I will call them kung fu and taichi. Follow some of my experiences in this inspirational martial art.

First of all the diary of my trip to China in February 2008 to train with revered kung fu masters in Southern China. It was originally published as a blog on and White Crane Fighting Arts

07/02/2008 Wolfie’s Kung Fu Diaries
Kung Fu Trip to China February 2008.

Here are some details of my times at my club’s very enjoyable Kung Fu Summer Camps .

23/08/2006 My first Kungfu Summer Camp
I went to my club’s annual summer camp in Cornwall and had an amazing time.

03/08/2007 My second Summer Camp
The second Summer camp and it was just as much fun as the first.

14/10/2008 The 2008 Kung Fu Summer Camp
The third Summer camp when it didn’t rain a few times but we still had fun.

Some reflections on martial arts from my daily blogs on this site – I may not be any good at it but I really enjoy it.

09/01/2009 How doing my traditional taichi is helping my recovery
My martial arts have really helped through this troublesome time.

05/02/2009 I went back to my taichi classes
It was inspiration and frustration when I went back to my taichi class.

14/02/2009 My friends are in China learning a new Dog Style pattern
I should have been in China now but instead I am here with a fractured spine but I am still learning kung fu.

23/02/2009 Meditating the Da Mo way but sometimes my mind does wander
I am doing my Da Mo meditating exercises but I still can’t thinking about the Oscars.

02/03/2009 My friends went to China and left me behind
That Kung Fu trip to China that I missed is over now.

16/03/2009 Kung Fu has led me to take a greater interest in Chinese culture
It all started with kung fu and now look where it has got me.

31/03/2009 A bit of Chinese knowledge can sort out your back
My kung fu instructor knows a thing or two about the back.

03/08/2009 Kung Fu Summer camp
I spent last week under canvas at kung fu camp.

04/08/2009 kung fu and music
Kung fu and the Grindea technique in music.

24/08/2009 Samurai Bach and my Chinese straight sword
I am listening to Bach and thinking about my Chinese straight sword pattern.

08/09/2009 Martial arts have guided me back from my brain haemorrhage
I owe a lot to martial arts after my serious illness.

24/09/2009 Kungfu and massage are opposite sides of the same thing
Kungfu and massage are helping my fractured spine.

13/10/2009 Neighbourhood wars
Taekwondo versus Kung fu.

19/10/2009 Stretching is not easy
Stretching is not as easy as you might think.

09/11/2009 Kung fu fighting on Remembrance Day
It is strange how Kung Fu was not out of place on Remembrance Sunday.

16/12/2009 Kung fu sparring in the park
I go sparring with my kung fu instructor and it feels great.

23/12/2009 Sticking Hands
I practise the subtle art of sticking hands.

20/01/2010 Tea and sympathy
I have to be patient.

05/03/2010 One step forward, two steps back
Still struggling to work things out.

08/03/2010 I try to get my writing and my martial arts sorted
Time to sort things out with my martial arts.

09/03/2010 Tai chi is a very hard soft style
Hard and soft – not as obvious as it sounds.

22/03/2010 White Crane goes to Eastbourne
My White Crane Kung Fu club opens up in Eastbourne.

19/04/2010 Wudang Master comes to Lewes
Wudang Master Chen ShiXing Comes to My Lewes Kung Fu Club.

25/06/2010 From one seated boxer to another I can identify with the great Greek sculpture, The Seated Boxer.

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