Well, it’s September and I read somewhere that we are now meteorologically we are in Autumn or Fall if you don’t say Autumn even though the season of Autumn doesn’t really begin until 21st September. Meteorologically Summer didn’t really exist in these parts in 2012 and is now officially the worst, meteorologically for 100 years so the only difference now between July and September is that the daylight hours will begin to grown shorter. Considering the amount of rain and the low temperatures, my small Lewes garden doesn’t look as bad as I feared it would.
It is actually quite pleasant sitting out there in a coat and scarf and the roses have decided to come back for a final flush too.
I heard on the radio that warmer weather is on its way, about time too, but whether I like it or not, it is beginning to feel like Autumn which always used to mean back to school. I have a lot of things to do this September so I’m not complaining – the less the heat, the less the distractions.
I did get some good news this morning too about the garden. The Sussex Archaeological Society who own the ancient Brach Mount that borders the garden have written to say that they are going to sort out the over-growth that has been taking over this year with its dangerously destructive crop of sycamore trees. Maybe my little invasion with my secateurs spurred them on – hope so.
So if the Summer is over but the Sun still decides to shine, I feel a touch of George Harrison coming on – after all it’s been a long cold Summer. Oh, yes, before the music, here comes the sun!
Here’s George in 2007 with some famous friends: