The building works that have been going on for such a long time now around me here in Lewes, are showing signs of completion. Ron’s shop, which has been empty for several years now is in the final stages of its refit and will open, I am told, in October.
The former Police Station too, a fine and rambling old red brick building is also showing signs of its future life as a block of rather smart apartments. It had got to look a little on the seedy side when its occupants decided to move.
Of course, I shall miss our old neighbours who have now moved to a smart new building half a mile away
and I shall miss the beautiful old Police Station sign too…I hope they will put it up at the new place.
… but the builders have been doing a good job over there all Summer transforming what had turned into a rather down-at-heel building into something, I hope, special.
I have been following their progress with my sneaky camera
Soon, we are going to be the smartest part of town – I shall have to smarten up my appearance too. I must dead-head those geraniums.