My friend the watering can

We are still living with a hose-pipe ban here in Lewes in southern England so I’m regularly to be found out in my garden with my ancient watering can. Standing there as the water sprinkles onto plants new old and about to germinate, could be seen as an irritating waste of time when a sprinkler hose system could have ben doing all the work for me but, no, I have been savouring these moments of Zen gardening. It is an appropriate way to start the day with some plant-focused observations and meditations even if I sometimes get lost in my own thoughts and end up watering my toes. I ‘m doubly sad then that rain is forecast for later today but I’ll do a little watering just in case.


  1. It gives one a reason to get up when there are little shoots just peeping through the soil.

    I love you post about the old watering can. Enjoy the newness.

    🙂 ~Kay

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