My Spring garden, at night, in the rain….perfect.

I was walking home from my tai chi class last night feeling tired in the rain when I trod in a puddle and remembered it was the night for putting out the rubbish. I felt irritable, miserable and over-wrought until I put on the outside light at the back of my house and went out to the dustbin.

Suddenly everything was alright again. I am a simple soul no doubt but I have always found outside lighting in the rain exciting especially when it illuminates my garden flowers and none are more grateful under light than the waxy textures of Spring bulbs.

I stood in another puddle but this time I didn’t care. My Spring bulbs, croci, daffodils and now tulips too, are finally bursting into bloom after the latest Spring in years.

Who needs sunshine to appreciate their beauty? There is something extra decadent about observing these glamourous stars by night. This is how vampires must enjoy their gardens.

I hope you enjoy the view – I get a lot of exotic pleasure just inches away from my backdoor. I stood there for a while, in the rain with a rather good glass of red wine. Count Dracula would have known where I was coming from, no doubt.

The garden even looks good in daylight – this morning when I was out there doing my tai chi and my sword pattern, I felt that my garden had arrived for Spring.

It even looks good from indoors.


  1. Lovely!
    The spring has finally arrived in my garden too – I've a few daffs in flower and the forsythia is looking pretty yellow too. Spring is so late this year but all the more worth having!

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