So I made it out of October in spite of all those bad feelings about revisiting my brain haemorrhage and the events that surrounded it a year ago. The day of the actual anniversary, 30th. October, was marked by a visit back to the hospital for my fourth MRI brain scan which was the usual mix of claustrophobia and hope as my brain was minutely photographed for signs of residual blood and the possible causes for it.
I will have to wait a week or so now before I know the results so, after the blustery weather that saw October depart, I am now calmly resigned to my fate and enjoying the tranquil early November sunshine.
I was in the park this morning with my kungfu instructor, being put through my motions in the principal kungfu patterns surrounded by autumnal colours from the parkland trees and enjoying that seasonal feel of doing martial foot movements in wellington boots, churning up moist well mulched soil whilst maintaining that sense of controlled groundedness. It was inspiring and exhausting all at the same time so I have come back home to sleep the sleep of the righteous after a job well done….I did well enough at least considering, I thought.
I will leave you then with the equally calm Horace who is still sitting on his web outside my window, his colours perfectly matching the seasonal backdrop. I shall make a “nice cup of tea” and tell myself that all is well with the World. One day soon, it might well be….hmmm.