It was sunny, crisply chilly and cleanly lit, my home town of Lewes, UK this morning. I stumbled around the house with the annoying symptoms of a virus that has gone to my muscles, wanting my mood to embrace the day outside and to throw away my gloom. Now that I have a new neighbour across the road, at the shop that used to be called Ron’s – see earlier blogs on the saga of Ron’s by typing Ron into the search window above. My neighbour is now Sara Grisewood’s Pleasant Stores and I get a lot of help keeping cheerful. It is an emporium of delight for anyone who loves good food and coffee with its local, home-made, often organic and very delicious products.
It has been open now for a couple of months and whenever I look out of my window across the road, I see an enjoyable buzz of people coming and going with produce wrapped in homely brown paper demonstrating that i am not alone in liking such things. For any of my readers unlucky enough not to live near to Lewes, here is an exclusive tour of the inside. I have to warn you though, after looking at the pictures, if you don’t live near here, you will suffer an unpleasant mix of jealousy and hunger pangs. Sorry about that. I feel better already.
The positive adjective in the name of this establishment actually describes said establishment. That's unusual in retail (in my experience). I am jealous. Hungry, not so much. Thanks for the tour. What were they making in the one photo?
You may not be hungry now Margaret but when you are……
Sara was making, I think, a "winter warming" soup. If it is like the one i have had in there before it is truly delicious with just the right amount of kick.