At last! After getting on for three years, the legendary shop, Ron’s, across the road from me in Lewes, has finally been sold and yesterday, the work started to transform it into a new corner shop with an emphasis on bread, cakes, coffee and the arts. As the shop is my neighbour across the road, I have followed the saga of who would buy Ron’s ever since Ron left. So now I can introduce you all to the new owner, the new Ron.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is Sara Grisewood. Give her a warm welcome everyone.
It was an exciting day when those estate agents signs came down and two builders started to dismantle the interior so I couldn’t resist going out with my camera to record the beginning of the new era.
This was Ron’s in the old days. It was known locally as Ron’s Inconvenience Store because, apparently, you never quite knew when it was going to be open or what it would sell but we all loved Ron and recognised that he was an institution to be mourned.
Right, I am over the mourning now – that feels better – you have to get over these things. It all turned from sorrow to joy when I met Sara who “caught” me photographing her dramatic day. Instead of telling me off for snooping and chasing me away, she invited me in and let me take some photographs of that wonderful and exciting job, the dismantling the old interior.
Already, she has found hidden pieces of the original Georgian architecture and she has very encouraging ideas about the building’s restoration.
I will tell you all about her plans as I get to know them but, for now, let it be said that she wants to sell excellent bread, cakes, croissants, milk and eggs amongst other things and she will also do takeaway fresh ground coffee and, I am told, hot food too. She will have a seating area and, listen to this, she is interested in doing poetry readings and exhibitions here too.
So wolfiewolfgang couldn’t have wished for a more perfect solution to the Ron problem. Good luck and congratulations Sara Grisewood.
Oh, and if you need Ron’s pink formica display cabinet (for £50) you have until tomorrow to buy it. One day it could be a priceless souvenir – possibly.
Here is a tribute to Ron’s – it has been empty for too long:
I thought I had it made because we have a small set of shops across the street, but nothing close to me does readings. Glad to see a place like that opening up anywhere, but doubly glad for you, readings there would be convenient :).
Yes Jennifer….hope it all comes about.
No wonder you are excited about it! You'll have to watch your waistline a little 🙂 Sign me up for coffee and a bun!
Anyone remember the co op in West Street?