My highly enjoyable Ron’s-Livewatch project is galloping at last. Ron’s shop, in case you don’t know, was my local convenience store until three years ago and has been empty ever since but on Saturday this week there will be a ceremonial opening celebration and the new Ron’s will be revealed to the World.
If the coffee van that parked outside yesterday wasn’t enough, today I saw an organic cheese van – the excitement is now palpable.
This, ladies and gentleman, is the new Ron – Sara Grisewood – photographed on the day, early this year, when the building work started.
Somehow, she keeps smiling even when all around her is falling down.
This was the first day of the transformation from Ron’s to what will be known as Pleasant Stores which seems to be an emporium dedicated to everything that wolfiewolfgang likes. I can’t wait to see what van will arrive tomorrow. It has been a long road to Paradise.