Well, in case you didn’t believe me, I did it. I promised that I would go for a run to compensate for yesterday’s fried eggs and bacon and, later yesterday I did it. I haven’t been for a run for five years but I managed a stately twenty minutes and, I have to tell you, really enjoyed it.
I wore my heart-rate monitor and kept my eye on it throughout never letting it go above 150 beats per minutes or below 120. Now that I’ve done it once, I shall carry on and mix it in with my weights routine and kungfu practice. Well, that’s the plan. I’ll let you know how I get on.
i don't think i could ever run.
You'd be surprized….just start gently for short periods of time and gradually build it up. In the end it becomes a pleasure, honestly.
a short sprint is what caused achilles tendon problems for me. they are finally reducing thanks in part to my gym routine. not good for dance – needing to be tentative when you do it. you wait till you reach my age.
That sounds painful james…I see your point.