Scarborough’s pioneering theatre picks a winning team.

Charlotte Harwood and Christopher Harper in Slipping 
I was in Scarborough’s Stephen Joseph Theatre this weekend to see Slipping, a new play by the young writer Claudine Toutoungi – directed by my son Henry Bell.


Henry Bell in Scarborough
. I have to acknowledge my prejudices here. 1) I’m the director’s Dad  and 2) I’m not immediately attracted to eye operations. Well, firstly, I saw beyond both prejudices last night watching this powerful , witty and emotionally gripping production – son or no son and as for that eye stuff there was no need to look away – no horror just enlightenment about how we are affected, changed and, ultimately challenged to accept who we are and how much we can ever know about other people.
This is a terrific production – design, music, outstandingly well acted and, yes, directed, giving this new play every possible chance to make its impact.
Charlotte Harwood and Christopher Harper commanded the stage in this potent two-hander, playing doctor and patient but, in this play, showing how many different personalities compete within each individual. Both actors gave us an epic cast of different personality types. A brilliant achievement superbly observed.
Congratulations all round – no less to the Stephen Joseph Theatre for investing in new work by unknown writers.


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