Wolfie Caged

How I survived lockdown. I have finally got round to writing a blog now that, wisely or foolishly, the great British lockdown is being eased. Until now, I haven’t quite managed to write about this, the strangest of times. I…
How I survived lockdown. I have finally got round to writing a blog now that, wisely or foolishly, the great British lockdown is being eased. Until now, I haven’t quite managed to write about this, the strangest of times. I…
I have been on holiday on the Italian Riviera and, all week, I have been trying to share some of my experiences in these blogs. Mostly, as I confessed, I planned to have a lazy relaxing time lying on the…
Ezra Pound (1885-1972) I have been reading some poetry by the still contentious American poet Ezra Pound who is regarded as not only one of the fathers of Modernist writers but also as an anti-semite, a foolishly naive supporter of…