Those Tories keep handing out medals in spite of the boos.

David Cameron, British Prime Minister (2010-????)

David Cameron was rightly enthusiastic about all those British athletes (Olympic and Paralympic) winning all those gold medals this year. They are rightly rewarded by their medals well deserved.

Bradley Wiggins

Chris Hoy

Eleanor Simmonds

Greg Rutherford

Jessica Ennis

Mo Farah

Nicola Adams

What greater honour could they receive than Olympic Gold? Well Chris Hoy, the brilliant track cyclist, went on to get one of Britain’s silliest awards, a knighthood so really, sorry Chris, you should really be addressed as Sir Christopher Hoy these days. Well, I think all that knighthood stuff is a load of tosh, sorry again Chris, but who needs them? All those Gold Medals are surely much more impressive than a name that smacks of old fashioned British snobbery.
Why would Chris Hoy, for all his excellence, want to be herded in with these gentlemen?

Edward Garnier

Gerald Howarth

James Paice

Nick Harvey
Who are they? You may well ask. Well, I understand your mystification. James Paice, Edward Garnier, Nick Harvey and Gerald Howarth were junior ministers in the British government until they were sacked this week in David Cameron’s ministerial reshuffle. Poor guys maybe, losers you might well think but we don’t have to feel too sorry for them because, yes, they have all been sacked but immediately knighted to stop them whingeing on the back benches. So arise Sir James, Sir Edward, Sir Nick and Sir Gerald. Crap but posh – can’t be bad.
Oh yes, I nearly forgot the other sacked but honoured minister.

Sir George Young

David Cameron couldn’t make Sir George, the sacked Leader of the Commons,  any posher because his “Sir” comes from being a 6th Baronet. Wow, six generations of knights! I wonder who the first baronet was? Need you ask, he was an 18th politician and sugar plantation owner who became the first Governor of Dominica who when he died,  left his 896 black slaves to his son the 2nd Baronet. Well at least Sir Chris Hoy only had to ride a bike for his gon pity all those sacked Conservative ministers couldn’t just get on their own bikes and shove off.

The first Baronet Young at home with his family.

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