What to wear at a Lewes fancy dress party if you’re feeling a bit under the weather.

It was a typical Saturday evening in Lewes, UK. Everyone likes dressing up in this ancient market town so when it was my neighbour Harvey’s birthday, it was inevitable that everyone went in for a bit of a make-over.

Harvey was King Henry VIII, well of course. As I’m still on medical instructions to “take it easy” I thought I’d dress as someone who might not be expected to dance so I decided to go as a mid-20th Century American senator and it worked. Not everyone got it of course, would you have guessed?

My novel, Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love, was published  on 31 October 2013. It is the story of a young fogey living in Brighton in 1967 who has a lot to learn when the flowering hippie counter culture changes him and the world around him.

It is now available as a paperback or on Kindle (go to your region’s Amazon site for Kindle orders)

You can order the book from the publishers, Ward Wood Publishing:
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