OK, I admit that I was a bit mean about camels yesterday, the one humped Dromedary kind, so to prove that I am not unreasonable, I have been looking for attractive images of camels and trying hard to be positive about these, er, unusual-looking creatures – the ones that really should not be riden into peaceful demonstrations. This cuddly toy camel is certainly irresistable if you like cuddly toys.
and Picasso knew how to eliminate most of the camel’s less attractive qualities.
So let’s let sleeping camels lie…..
.. I can almost like them when they have a smile on their face……
After-all, the cigarette manufacturers knew all about man’s relationship with camels….
…women can be turned on to camels too it seems.
…so camels are cool……
… and if you are a real man you just have to love them.
Camel hair coats are cool too…..
…hip even………what real men wear……sophisticated and ever so classy….
….they are sexy on women……
…..and camel hair sports jackets are cute, well, that’s a matter of opinion, on kids too……
So I love camels, OK…….hope that makes them smile and stops them chasing me if I ever try to join a peaceful demonstration in Cairo.
I’m getting into gear for the imminent publication (31st October 2013) of my novel, Stephen Dearsley’s Summer Of Love, the story of a young fogey living in Brighton in 1967 who has a lot to learn when the flowering hippie counter culture changes him and the world around him.
You can already pre-order the book from the publishers, Ward Wood Publishing:
…or from Book Depository:
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