It is time for my second “King’s Speech” test where I plunge myself into a two minute “speech” to camera to see how my brain haemorrhage-induced stammer copes with the situation. Here it it – I think I sound better than last time but you may think differently.
One Sunday in early April I spent the day at London University's Gower Street complex, attending a British Voice Association seminar where voise coaches, singing teachers and sppech therapists exchanged experiences and ideas but in plenary sessions and syndicate groups doing specific case studies. In a strange way I felt I had an edvantage over most other people there in that I could see different sides of the same coin, so to speak. What did surprise me was that speech therapists, despite lengthy training and by their own admission, actually do very little practical voice work and that, arguably, going to a singing teacher can be a more immediste and informed way of dealing with voice problems unless there is obvious pathology present. Our mutual friend was there but I'm not seeing her again until the autumn; I found I needed a rest from her. More and more I feel that what works for one person doesn't work for another and that you have to use trial and error to find what works for you personally.
I got VERY angry earlier in the year when BBC1 South east news showed Gareth Gates talking to two boys from Newman School who had this problem and giving them advice which I (and PP) knew to be very unhelpful. I actually got very cross about it. I expect it is still viewable on YouTube. Perhaps Linda could point you in the direction of that one?
Happy to discuss sometime if you like.
Sorry for all the typos – my brain obviously works rather faster than my body……..
Thanks Malcolm, interesting comments here and I understand what you mean. The more I have thought about my own particular case, the more I feel that my improvement mostly rests in my own hands. I have found public performances through poetry readings have been immensely helpful. Firstly in getting over the embarrassment of not getting words out and since as a way of finding techniques that work.
When I recorded this piece I was really pleased though but when I played it back I was surprized how hesitant I sounded. It is a long journey and I may just be wrong about the best therapy.
I love your typos incidently so no need to apologise.
I see a great deal of improvement in the fluency of your speech although, I confess, I was also a little bewitched by your right eyebrow which kept flicking up in a very sweet way…. well, if you DO insist on being concentrated upon, I can't be held responsible for what I notice 😉
Hehe, Bridge. I bet you say that to all the boys!