It is the day after the Summer’s last public holiday here in Britain and when I look out of my windows, I see that work has begun again in earnest.
The old Police Station across the road from me here in Lewes, is now cop-free, I feel suddenly alone, and is being converted into what looks like rather smart apartments. Times move on and the police have moved just down the road to a posh, modern and not nearly as inspiring a building.
My other near neighbour, Ron’s shop is, I am told, also in the last stages of refurbishment before it opens to the public some time within the next month.
It is all go out there so I return to my desk inspired to get on with my own, admittedly, less sweaty work but work it is and I must start by clearing up the mess of last week’s poetry writing. Sometimes I am embarrassed by my own good fortune as I begin work on a brand new project.