What should we BREXIT from next?

  Horrified grenadier guard hears the EU Referendum result. So now that Britain has caught the Referendum habit and voted to leave the European Union, what next? Shock horror is still taking the fun out of Britain for me, but…

Little England let the dogs out.

I’m sorry fellow Europeans, I voted remain as did many other people here in Britain, please lets strive to remain friends. The country has voted and the result is official. The United Kingdom is to leave the European Union on…

Are You In Or Out? I Know What I Think

    I’ve been tempted to stay silent through the EU Referendum campaign here in the United Kingdom assuming, after last year’s depressing General Election result when 26% of the electorate voted in the incompetent government that has led us…

Silent House – first a poem, now a movie.

My thanks are due to the multi-talented Joseph Nussbaum for his film, so carefully made, of my poem Silent House. It was a great experience sharing brains with such a perceptive director. It’s great when that solitary poet life can…