Non je ne regrette rien

Don’t you just love politics! And, of course, politicians! In Britain this week we have had some classic examples of professional politics at work. It was all to do with slurring the other side – one of the oldest tricks…

Hot Cups for Torn Muscles

Six months ago I tore most of my torso muscles whilst having a particularly violent brain seizure. Painful though this was, these injuries took a back seat to my fractured spine and the brain haemorrhage which had caused all the…

An Easter confession

Now I know it is Easter this weekend, one of the great festivals of the Church but, father, I have sinned. Do you remember all that stuff in the Bible about not coveting things that belong to your neighbours? Their…

My visit to the Dizzy Clinic

With wonderful lack of pomposity and, I suspect, a welcome sense of humour, my hospital’s Ear, Nose and Throat department have named the consultancy that specialises in problems caused by of the inner ear and balance, the Dizzy Clinic. I…