Let’s hear it for our independent book shops and local publications.

My third published book, is a poetry collection, Remembering Blue and, as we enter the new year, I shall be letting you know about scheduled events plants for it, including readings, reviews and various appearances already booked. So keep tuned if you would like to follow me and my little book’s progress. In these troubled times, it is great that writers and artists can find a rich vein of support here in Sussex, so, without more do, I would like to send out my appreciation.

My thanks to Skylark, here in Lewes, UK, and its owner Matt Birch who is now keeping a stash of my new poetry collection Remembering Blue. This follows on from the great review the book got from our splendid Lewes magazine Viva Lewes. While I think of it, let’s hear it for local publications such as this one – it’s enterprises like these that gives me hope. So if you citizens of Lewes get to read the review and think you might like to get a copy of the book, Skylark (downstairs at the Needlemakers centre) should be your first call https://www.skylarkshop.com/

My thanks to, Charlotte Gann, the editor of Viva Lewes, for the review – I am truly chuffed that she read the poems with such care and sensitivity. Publishing a poetry collection can feel very exposing, so I was genuinely moved to read Charlotte’s words. We are lucky here in this town to have such a splendid monthly magazine. https://www.vivabrighton.com/viva-lewes

While I am sending my appreciation to these Lewes institutions, let me also thank City Books in Brighton http://www.city-books.co.uk/ who are also holding a supply of Remembering Blue as is Kemptown Bookshop at the other end of town http://www.kemptownbookshop.co.uk/

You can, of course, buy my book online from the publishers, Ward Wood Publishing http://wardwoodpublishing or from your country’s Amazon or from book Depository https://www.bookdepository.com/Remembering-Blue-Colin-Bell/9781908742704?ref=grid-view&qid=1577985275912&sr=1-1 and, maybe the best on-line deal these days, from Wordery https://wordery.com/remembering-blue-colin-bell-9781908742704?currency=USD&gtrck=QXBBTmE0NkxiU2ovUHJlRlRjSFFKN1c3aGdYZFB4dUxpOUwxZzFWT1hMRzNvWkJmQ1h2SndWNDhCM3pkZzZYbVhPS2dXcDBud1N5SGgxWEQ1d2Z1VVE9PQ

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