Hitting the ground running
I’ve been trying to get back to full fitness now for twenty months, nearly two years, after a difficult eight or so years of ill-health. A brain haemorrhage in 2008, and a pulmonary embolism a few years later, in 2013/14,…
I’ve been trying to get back to full fitness now for twenty months, nearly two years, after a difficult eight or so years of ill-health. A brain haemorrhage in 2008, and a pulmonary embolism a few years later, in 2013/14,…
A friend reminded me the other day that the human body completely replaces itself every seven years. For me, that’s a cheery thought because seven years ago today, just as my home town of Lewes was getting ready for Halloween,…
They used to say that an English summer consisted of two hot sunny days and a thunder storm. This year, in Lewes, UK, we’ve had a lot more hot sunny days that but we’ve had a few thunder storms too.…
Toad of Toad Hall (original illustration by E.H.Shepard) In yesterday’s blog I wrote about my recent visit to the doctor and how I may just have to live with the mildly epileptic symptoms that are left four years after my…
I used to like the art of Bridget Riley – she and it were the epitome of Op Art a catchy title for Optical Art – an art form that painted optical illusions. I remember a “trip” to a Riley…
6th May 2009 Unsurprizingly no one was taking photographs of me four years ago today. I didn’t look too good – much worse in fact than the picture above. It was the day I had a serious brain hemorrhage and…
Bug-free at last, I’ve been going back to the gym over the last few weeks continuing on my fitness “come-back” after four years of gradual progress after that dreaded brain haemorrhage. I’ll be celebrating Haemorrhage Day on October 30th –…
Times have moved on I guess since this advert dared show its face – then if the “little woman” was feeling anxious about her lot, her “big man” was advised just to stick a few pills in her. I was…
Yesterday saw the end of British Summer Time as our Northern European light got markedly dimmer and the days grew noticeably shorter. Also, here in Lewes, it rained. The 30th of October is also the day before Halloween when dismal…
This might be my favourite piece of graffiti and I don’t want to know if it is real or a photographic trick because I often identify with the sentiment. Things build up inside all of us at times and then…