Coming out of my cage

I have been reluctant to post my blogs over the last few months of lockdown and its aftermath here in Lewes, UK. I didn’t feel I had much to add to the millions of comments about the pandemic over the…
I have been reluctant to post my blogs over the last few months of lockdown and its aftermath here in Lewes, UK. I didn’t feel I had much to add to the millions of comments about the pandemic over the…
In July this year, while the UK was still locked down, I was challenged by a friend on Facebook to do the 25 Day Pushup Challenge and, because I can’t resist challenges, I did it. The idea was to do…
George Best and Mary Stävin. As a youngish man in the early days of my career in television, I had the intriguing and unlikely job of having a breakfast meeting with one of the most talked-about of all British…
I’m in a rush today so apologies to all my readers. Today is no breakfast, no coffee and last night was no alcohol. I’m off to the gym, feeling remarkably cheerful, for my fitness assessment after the first period of…
Well, in case you didn’t believe me, I did it. I promised that I would go for a run to compensate for yesterday’s fried eggs and bacon and, later yesterday I did it. I haven’t been for a run for…
I’m now in the second week of my new fitness routine which alternates weight training at home with my martial arts practice. I am surprized how well I remember all these moves and it rewarding the next day when I…
OK, I know they look naff, those mobile phone photos with sad-looking geezer, looking at phone looking at mirror image down the gym, but, hey, everyone else does it, so why not me too! Going to the gym is a…
I wore my heart-rate monitor for the first time in a long time, too long, yesterday. I was going back to see my personal trainer, Ricardo, to see if he can help me get back some fitness after a bit of a…